Flynsarmy Equipment Database

Because MUDs are still cool.


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Palace Guard ring22Gerighelm
Palace Guard shield22Gerighelm
Palace Guard vest22Gerighelm
Palace Guard's sword22Gerighelm
ring with Lennys emblem22Lenny's House
Sceptre of Might22Galaxy
strapped on bag22Midgaard
Titanic Arm plates of Hercules22Galaxy
Titanic Horns of Capricorn22Galaxy
a pair of shiny marble dice23Cage & Aquarium
a T-shirt which reads, 'Hugs not drugs.'23Lenny's House
an elastic mask 23Cage & Aquarium
an oxidized fishing knife23Sea of Sorrow
bloody t-shirt23Greyhaven Graveyard
glowing suit of banded mail23Sands of Sorrow
set of unholy dark robes23Highvale Institute
spider bracers23Lenny's House
turkey baister23Lenny's House

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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
50 51 52

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