Flynsarmy Equipment Database

Because MUDs are still cool.


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city guard signet ring16Midgaard
city guard signet ring16Midgaard
extremely sharp and thin sword16Astral Plane
fleshy overcoat16Cage & Aquarium
geiger counter16Hell
Gerighelm bracer16Gerighelm
Gerighelm cloak16Gerighelm
Gerighelm vest16Gerighelm
long, curved sabre16Sands of Sorrow
mop16Highvale Institute
Muddy Leather Shorts16Stonehenge
neutralizer16Dwarven Kingdom
nightgown of the sullen moon16Cage & Aquarium
standard issue halberd16Midgaard
thrashers skateboard16Lenny's House
Titanic Mask of Gemini16Galaxy
wooden staff16Holy Grove
a huge syringe17Lenny's House
a scaly halter top17Sea of Sorrow
blue robe17Olympus

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