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Let me preface this post by stating that I have the design talent of the average developer – that is to say: none. So when I decided to start learning about CSS3 @font-face I thought I was going to be in for a night of pain; boy was I right.

The post headings on site are rendered in the Museo font using Cufon. Cufon is an amazing piece of JavaScript that allows you to embed fonts into webpages making them visible in all browsers. It works as advertised, however it has a habit of causing pains for visitors on slower connections. For this site, the cufon script is 17.8KB and Museo font package is an added 190.4KB – a hefty download. At this point, the developer in me would declare the benefits not to be worth the drawbacks and scrap it all together. Luckily for all of you though, I’m constantly surrounded by talented designers, namely That Stevens Guy and begrudgingly blindly follow what they tell me to do in that department. So cufon has stayed. Is there a better solution though? Meet @font-face.

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