I don’t just sit on my hands in my spare time. I’m always actively working with the community and releasing tools for my, and everyone elses benefit. The following is a selection of some of the most notable contributions I’ve made so far.
Monolog Integration for Slim Framework
With over 20,000 downloads on packagist.org, this is a simple package to add Monolog logging support to the ever popular Slim Framework.
GEdit Tab Switch
One feature it doesn’t support out of the box is switching tabs with CTRL+Tab. This issue is now a thing of the past with my tab-switching plugin!
Amazon S3 Uploadify Script
It caught me a bit off guard how much attention this post received so I guess it’s only fitting it makes this list. As the name suggests, this is a script to upload files to Amazon S3 with Uploadify – a common trick used to lower bandwidth costs by securely allowing visitors to upload directly to S3 rather than going through your server.
Cloud Database Backup
When you have a large number of MySQL databases on a web server you want to know those databases are sufficiently backed up in the case of a catastrophic server failure. Cloud Database Backup is a tool that allows MySQL databases to be backed up to a variety of cloud services so you’ll never have to worry again.