Dropzone is a really nice lightweight javascript upload library with drag drop support and a high level of customisability. The documentation for direct uploads to Amazon S3 with a PHP backend are entirely lacking though so I’ve whipped up a complete tutorial on how to make it happen. For this tutorial I’ll be using Laravel but the script is very simple and any PHP backend will work.
What You’ll Need
- AWS Access Key
- AWS Secret Key
- AWS Region
- AWS Bucket Name
As part of Laravel I’m using dotenv to store these values and retrieving them with getenv() but they can be stored as config variables or any other method you like.
The Frontend
For the most part there isn’t anything particularly complicated about the frontend markup but there are a few things to note:
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The important parts here are:
Avoiding Timeouts
1 | timeout: null, |
Without this Dropzone option our uploads are limited to 30 seconds and then time out.
Signing upload files
This is where the real work is done. Each time a file is added to dropzone, we need to grab a signature and policy document from our backend and pass that along with the file to S3.
In Dropzone’s accept callback we perform an AJAX request passing the filename to upload. This returns a JSON response containing our AWS Access Key, filepath in S3 to upload to, policy document and encrypted signature document. All of this information is attached to the File object for later use in Dropzone’s sending callback where it’s attached to the form data to be sent to S3.
This solution will work with a backend of any language at all provided it returns in the format
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | { success: 1|0, AWSAccessKeyId: string, key: string, policy: string, signature: string } |
Our Upload URL
The documentation as of the time of writing uses the URL structure http://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com/ however there are a couple of issues with this.
- It’s not HTTPS
- It doesn’t work with buckets with dots in the name
Instead thanks to user Nate on StackOverflow we instead use this URL https://s3-<region>.amazonaws.com/<bucket>/.
Creating Signature and Policy Documents
Here is the backend PHP for creating our signature and policy documents.
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Default is 24 hours. * * @var int */ protected $_duration = 86400; /** * Maintain a cache of un-encoded policy so that multiple requests to get * the policy will not incur unnecessary computation. * * @var string */ protected $_policyCache = ''; /** * Construct a new POST policy object. * * @param string $awsSecretAccessKey * Your AWS Secret Access Key. * * @param string $bucket * Amazon S3 bucket name. * * @param int $duration * The number of seconds for which the policy is valid. */ public function __construct($awsAccessKeyId, $awsSecretAccessKey, $bucket = '', $duration = 86400) { $this->_awsAccessKeyId = $awsAccessKeyId; $this->_awsSecretAccessKey = $awsSecretAccessKey; $this->_bucket = $bucket; $this->_duration = $duration; $this->_expireCache(); } /** * Add a policy condition. * * @param string $condition * Condition type. Possible values are 'eq', 'starts-with', * and 'content-length-range'. Pass null or an empty string to set a * condition that uses the {"field": "match"} syntax. Passing anything * in the $condition parameter will cause the condition to use the * [condition, field, match] syntax. * * @param string $field * The field name. * * @param string $match * String to match. * * @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy * Returns a reference to the object. * * <code> * $policy->addCondition('', 'acl', 'public-read'); * // Produces: {"acl": "public-read"} * * $policy->addCondition('eq', 'acl', 'public-read'); * // Produces: ["eq", "$acl", "public-read"] * * $policy->addCondition('starts-with', '$key', 'user/betty/'); * // Produces: ["starts-with", "$key", "user/betty/"] * * $policy->addCondition('content-length-range', 1048579, 10485760); * // Produces: ["content-length-range", 1048579, 10485760] * </code> */ public function addCondition($condition = 'eq', $field, $match = '') { $this->_conditions[] = array($condition, $field, $match); $this->_expireCache(); return $this; } /** * Get the AWS Access Key ID associated with this POST policy. * * @return string * Returns the AWS Access Key ID. * */ public function getAwsAccessKeyId() { return $this->_awsAccessKeyId; } /** * Get the bucket associated with the policy. * * @return string * Returns the Amazon S3 bucket name. */ public function getBucket() { return $this->_bucket; } /** * Get a spefic permission based on the field name. * * @param string $field * Field name to retrieve. * * @param bool $fullCondition * Whether or not to return the entire condition as an array or just * retrieve the match value of the condition. By default, this is set * to false so that it will only retrieve the match value of the * condition. * * @return array|string * If $fullCondition is set to true, then this method will return an * indexed array of data about the condition: * array(condition, field, match). * Returns an empty array if the field is not found. * * If $fullCondition is set to false, then this method will only return the * match field of the condition. */ public function getCondition($field, $fullCondition = false) { if (count($this->_conditions)) { foreach ($this->_conditions as $condition) { if ($condition[1] === $field) { return ($fullCondition) ? $condition : $condition[2]; } } } return ($fullCondition) ? array() : null; } /** * Get all of the conditions associated with the policy. * * @return array * Returns an indexed array of conditions. */ public function getConditions() { return $this->_conditions; } /** * Retrieve the POST policy. * * @param bool $encode * Set to true to retrieve the encoded policy. * * @return string * Returns an un-signed POST policy. */ public function getPolicy($encode = false) { if (!$this->_policyCache) { $policy = sprintf('{ "expiration": "%s"', gmdate('Y-n-d\TH:i:s.000\Z', time() + $this->_duration)); if (count($this->_conditions)) { $policy .= ', "conditions": ['; $first = true; foreach ($this->_conditions as $condition) { if (!$first) { $policy .= ', '; } if ($condition[0]) { $policy .= sprintf('["%s", "%s", "%s"]', $condition[0], $condition[1], $condition[2]); } else { $policy .= sprintf('{"%s": "%s"}', $condition[1], $condition[2]); } $first = false; } $policy .= ']'; } $policy .= '}'; $this->_policyCache = $policy; } else { $policy = $this->_policyCache; } if (!$encode) { return base64_encode($policy); } else { return base64_encode(utf8_encode(preg_replace('/\s\s+|\\f|\\n|\\r|\\t|\\v/', '', $policy))); } } /** * Get a signed POST policy. * * @return string * Returns a signed POST policy. */ public function getSignedPolicy() { return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $this->getPolicy(), $this->_awsSecretAccessKey, true)); } /** * Expire the policy cache. * * @return Aws_S3_Policy * Returns a reference to the object. */ protected function _expireCache() { $this->_policyCache = ''; return $this; } /** * Reset the policy by clearing the conditions, removing the bucket name, * and making the duration 86400 seconds (24 hours). * * @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy * Returns a reference to the object. */ public function reset() { $this->_conditions = array(); $this->_bucket = ''; $this->_duration = 0; $this->_expireCache(); return $this; } /** * Set the Amazon S3 bucket. * * @param string $bucket * Amazon S3 bucket name. * * @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy * Returns a reference to the object. */ public function setBucket($bucket) { $this->_bucket = $bucket; return $this; } /** * Set the number of seconds the policy is valid. * * @param int $seconds * The number of seconds the policy should be valid. * * @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy * Returns a reference to the object. */ public function setDuration($seconds) { $this->_duration = $seconds; $this->_expireCache(); return $this; } } |
The AwsPostPolicy class handles all the heavy lifting for us – we just need to plug in our Access and Secret keys as well as adding a condition to match each field our HTML Form is passing to S3 during the upload.